Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Alrighty. Now This Is Going To Be Fun.

Ok Ryan, Malia, and Ashley. It looks like some of you have had some problems with the Google circle. Ergo, I made a blog. I will intermittently post on here (every 50 pages). Just make comments below. This will be our comment board for the first 50 pages. Thank you and, begin!


  1. Should have commented last week, but I went into this book thinking it would be completely religious. But I was surprised when it opened with my favorite sport, baseball. But this quick rival coming about so soon, makes me wonder where the relationship between Danny Saunders and Reuven. It could fan out to be pretty interesting. -Ryan Wengreen

  2. Alrighty. Here is my comment. So far (with the baseball game and all) it has been a pretty decent book. My mom has been trying to convince me to read this book since I was a wee youngin' so really everybody is shocked that I have now completed the first 100 pages. Oh, I know that I am supposed to post two things for the two weeks so...

  3. ...Alright, my second post. This book has been an interesting one. It has been fun to watch the rising action develop and with the father and, etc. Fun stuff, but, here's the thing: I will probably just have to speed read through this book so that I can move onto my real reading group. The Structure of Evolutionary Theory (aka my Bible) group can be found at www.setbookgroup.bogspot.com
    so come and watch the dual personality-driven fun unfold.

  4. Second comment, I think it is cool that Reuven was bale to forgive Danny. I had a feeling that they were going to have a friendship, and from the looks of it so far, it looks to be a pretty good one. It's pretty cool that Reuven's eye is going to be able to heal. The only thing that confuses me is all the Jewish religion terms.

  5. Third comment, I think it is cool that Reuven's dad approves of the growing friendship of Reuven and Danny. I also think it is cool of how smart both the two boys are. Especially Danny. It would be amazing to read anything and have it all memorized, and as fast as he does.

  6. As my fourth comment I would like to talk about the characters of Reuven and Danny. The book is obviously about Danny, but we wouldn't have it if it wasn't for Reuven. While Danny wants the rebel Reuven seems to be the person that doesn't let him. But it is easy to see that Reuven is the simple narrator because we are able to be curious about Danny through Reuven. Just has Reuven is curious.
